
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

happy Valentine's Day to All

Happy Valentine's Day, everybody.  Besides the red velvet cupcakes with diamonds on them, the gold bands, and all of the other expensive things, how about giving your beloved a nice little evening of dinner and dancing.  Who says that those three little words have to be accompanied by something really expensive?

In fact, why does it have to be only on Valentine's day that you treat your second half to a day of something nice?  Let it be every day of the year when you say those three little words, because, you know that that day will never come again.

By the way, there were several Valentines who were martyred for the faith, but one in particular was a St. Valentinus, who was a priest who lived in Rome during the time of Claudius II.

It is most likely that Valentine's Day was named after St. Valentinus the martyr who was killed by emperor Claudius II.  Valentinus was imprisoned for preaching the word of Christ.  According to some, his jailer, who's name was Austerius, knew of Valentinus, and brought his blind daughter to Valentinus.

Valentinus put his hands on the jailer's daughter, and restored her sight.  Supposedly, just before he was executed, Valentinus asked for paper and something to write with, and wrote a little letter to the jailer's daughter, who whom a deep friendship had developed.

He signed it: From your Valentine.

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