
Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Stone Bridge Resident

I built this scene some time ago, having modeled the bridge myself, and having used foliage from a set by an artist named Tony Meszaros.  I was going for the forgotten bridge in the dark forest thing.  I posted it in order to write a bit of flash fiction for it. Lets see...


There once was an old troll that lived deep in the dark forest.  Being a traditional troll, he went in search of, and found a slimy stony bridge, where he lived under it for many years.  The bridge itself had been built long before, when the area was first populated by villagers before falling into ruin.

One day, a small raccoon came along.  He was a feisty-natured raccoon, and because of it, had very few friends.  Well, raccoon went along the bridge, then at the center of it, jumped up onto the stone ledge.  He looked down into the water and saw his own reflection.  He was momentarily mesmerized at this, as he thought of himself as a very handsome raccoon.

As this was going on, the old troll awoke from his slumber.  He leaned over and glanced up to see a small raccoon staring down into the rushing waters, and mesmerized by his own raccoon reflection.

"Hm," he said to himself, "it seems that my dinner has come to me this fine evening."

With that, the old troll snuck to the opposite side of the bridge, and quickly climbed up behind the mesmerized, but very feisty raccoon.

Just then, the small raccoon turned to look at the old troll.

"What are you thinking of doing?" asked the small, but feisty-natured creature.

"Well now," began the old troll with a crafty smile, "it seems that you have trespassed upon my home, you see.  And for one to trample upon another's favorite home of many years, well, you must admit, that it is quite impolite."

The little raccoon thought of this and agreed.

"Yes, it is quite unsavory of one to trample over the much favored home of another," the small raccoon said in an "I'm sorry" type of way, "but you must also agree that if it weren't for this bridge, and the safety that it provides for small and defenseless animals such as myself, well, we would have to jump into the fast-paced river, and would never make it to the other side."

The old troll agreed with what the little feisty-natured raccoon had said, but being that it was the late of the day, he was determined to eat raccoon for dinner.

"Well now," said the crafty old troll, "it would seem that you do have a point, and I agree with you most wholeheartedly.  Therefore, let me invite you down under the bridge where we may speak of this more comfortably, over tea and bread."

"Ah yes, let us do so," replied the raccoon as the old crafty troll turned to climb down first.

Being a feisty-natured raccoon, and one with many years of experience with crafty-natured creatures, the little raccoon jumped up onto the rocky back of the old troll, causing him to lose his balance and fall into the onrushing water with a splash.

The little raccoon ran across the rest of the bridge, then along the side of the riverbank and looked down at the troll.

"Well sir," the little feisty-natured raccoon started, "it seems that I won't have the time to join you for tea and raccoon, er, I mean, tea and bread."

The little raccoon turned and ran into the forest and disappeared amongst the foliage.

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