
Friday, March 23, 2012

Waiting for the Good Fish

Most days, we go about our business as we do.  We wake, prepare ourselves, go to work, come home and spend time with the family for a short time before going to bed.  Others have their lives, and they spend it as they do.

Most days, we neglect to focus on other things; like the bird that sings in the tree as we prepare ourselves for a new day.  We do not pay attention to the flowers that face the sun, or of their scent as we rush out of the door.

We should take the time to appreciate the world and those around us.  While we work away at our assigned position, the world is passing us by, and before we know it, our gray hairs begin to outnumber our colored ones.

More than being just an image of two children fishing with a pole that may likely never catch anything, this is also an image that represents two children that wish that their father was with them rather than at work.

It is too soon when they grow and go their own way, and the fishing pole that never caught anything sits propped up in the garage collecting dust.

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