
Friday, April 13, 2012

A cover for skittering things

"There they hide.  In the dark of their treacherous webbed caves, and the moist rocky crevices that line the mountain's base in the gloomy woods.  They hide, and they wait.  they wait, but not for rodents or reptiles that wander the woods and the edge of the bog lands.  They wait for us." the trapper said in a monotonous tone.

"They wait for us," his friend added; the light of the campfire turning and twisting his features in the dark.

"They lie and they wait, and when an unfortunate soul wanders near, the dark spidery things skitter out to catch them, they poison them, and then drag them back into the darkness to be devoured.  It is what they do." the old trapper said, relighting his pipe.

"It is what they do," his friend said, "and whether is was for greed or for ignorance, none ever see the poor unfortunate souls again!" his friend said, glancing over at the open window of the hut.


This image was going to be the cover art for an upcoming 'creepy' story ebook that I am working on, but it seemed too dark, and not 'intricate' enough.  After some re-thinking, I decided to scrap it and start again.  I may use it for something or maybe just delete it.  The new cover image that I am building is to be much more 'spidery', a bit more colorful, yet subdued colorful, and much more detailed.

What do you think? Does this image seem appropriate enough for a story about 'skittering' things?

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